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Meet Us at Industry Events


12th - 15th October 2011

Eleventh Congress of the International Federation of Infection Control

Location: Venice, Italy

12th - 15th October 2011

National Congress AICO

Location: Montesilvano, Italy

12th - 15th October

WHFSS 12e Sterilization Congress -

7e National Symposium Sterilization

Location: Estoril, Portugal


22nd - 26th October 2011

United European Gastroenterology Week

Location: Stockholm


ASP will be in attendance at the United European Gastroenterology Week (UEGW) in Stockholm this October (22nd-26th).

Now in its nineteenth year, UEGW 2011 will feature the latest advances in clinical management, leading translational and basic science and the best original research.

Registration for the event is at a reduced rate to those delegates who book their place before September 15th 2011; visit the UEGW 2011 website to find out more


4th Panhellenic Congress for Infections Control

Location: Athens, Greece


Confirmation link